Extra services


The trade in juice concentrates resembles the stock market. Fluctuating prices make the timing of buying very important. With our advice you will be able to choose the right moment. Because of our expert knowledge of the market and excellent network in China we are able to analyze trends in price developments and we will be glad to share this knowledge with you. We may advise you to postpone your order for a month, for instance, because we expect the price will be lower by then. It is almost like legal insider dealing.


Sinogreen can help finance your order if your term of payment does not correspond with the manufacturer’s.

Products and plant audits

A visit to the plant is important, because it will enable you to control the quality of the products and processes yourself. Sinogreen will help you organise the visit. We will arrange your journey, the appointments with the right persons, a programme that suits your demands and we will make sure you will be able to check everything you want.


You decide where we will deliver the concentrates. For instance, port of delivery or door to door. We are also able to store the concentrates for you. The warehouses we work with are strictly monitored. You can be assured the concentrates will be stored with utmost care.